All in a name

People sometimes ask me how I arrived at the name ‘Spiral Life Coaching’, so I’ll attempt to explain.

By dictionary definition a spiral is…

A curve on a plane that winds around a fixed centre point at a

continuously increasing or decreasing distance from the point.

As a child I loved our annual holiday to Overstrand in Norfolk and my favourite shell on the beach was – you guessed it – the one with the spiral shape that you could hold to your ear and listen to the sound of the sea. (Such simple pleasure.)

I’ve liked spirals ever since.

A Spiral is so much more interesting than a circle and quite a therapeutic shape to ‘doodle’, which I often tend to do whilst on the phone. (Supports my concentration in fact).

At home we’ve had a fossil standing on the mantle piece for many years – the remnants of one of those spiral shaped creatures from long ago.  (Seems significant that it should have had ‘pride of place’ for so long.)

Spirals are not, of course, restricted to the seashore; they seem to pop up everywhere: snail shells: staircases; inner ears. To name but a very few.

There are hyperbolic spirals, fremats spirals; logarithmic spirals and triple spiral symbols. (I don’t know what these are but they sound good.)

Anyway, to get back to why I chose the name.

Whilst we might prefer life to chug along in a straight line – its just doesn’t does it?

 It spirals up and down: from hour to hour, day to day, week to week, year to year.

For me a spiral seems to symbolise LIFE’S MOVEMENT; it’s ebb and flow; ups and downs; the continually increasing and decreasing fluctuations which challenge us all, and which probably bring out the best in us, as well as the worst!

 That’s it.


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Premium blogpost, great looking website, added it to my favorites!

Comment by glirtuari on December 12, 2009 7:51 pm

You are very kind.

Comment by amanda on December 14, 2009 5:42 pm

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